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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You can build a mosque at Ground Zero when we can build a church in Mecca

I am so sick and tired of the double standards in this country.  I am sick and tired of having to bow down and kiss some group's posterior because they are a so called "minority."  Since when does being a minority mean that the majority of people has to give a damn what you think, want, or say?  Now I know I have some one's attention.  "Aha, Robby is a bigot, I just knew it!," is what some of you who are reading this post are now thinking.  To you I say you need to get informed.  Just what am I talking about?  Allow me to explain.  How many of you folks remember September 11, 2001?  What were you doing when you first heard about the attacks?  How did you respond?  Imagine back then of someone told you that a group of Muslims lead by a radical imam would want to build a mosque at the ground zero site in New York on say...September the 12?  (for those of you who may need a reminder it was not nineteen Southern Baptists or Catholics who hijacked three planes and killed more than three thousand people by playing kamikaze)?  Here we are nine years out and that is just what we are now facing.  The groups building the mosque paid $4.85 million for the property.  The building itself was damaged during the attacks on September the 11th and construction costs are expected to run around $100 million dollars.  Now that in and of itself raises a question as to just where is all this money coming from?  We have part of the answer.  The Dutch government is actually financing part of the project.  Read about that nugget here.Mayor Bloomburg of New York City doesn't seem to care and says that folks like me questioning this project are promoting religious intolerance.  So be it.  I am asking and looking for answers to questions as I am writing this article.  I hope you will join me in the search as well.  Take a look at the wikipedea link here.  Then we have to talk about the imam himself, one Feisal Abdul Rauf who says that the United States was an accessory to the crime and has stated he wishes the United States was more Sharia compliant.  I say to hell with that.  This nation is built on Christian law and if Mister Rauf wants to live according to Sharia law he is more than welcome to live in Saudi Arabia or Iran.
Listen the point is that Ground Zero is holy ground.  Thousands of our countrymen died there and if followers of Islam want to build a mosque there in the name of building briges and making amends then I'm all for long as Christians can build churches in Mecca and other Islamic cities.  Fair is fair.  Read more about the good imam here.

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