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Monday, October 4, 2010

Firearms Freedom Act Goes to Court

The Firearms Freedom Act will soon be headed to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.   This is important because this will kick the case on to the US Supreme Court, and I believe that will be a good day.  The Court will then be forced to rule on either freedom or tyranny.  I believe it is high time that we find out just what kind of government we have one way or the other.  For folks who do not know, the Firearms Freedom Act was first passed in Montana and has been spreading to other states.  Many of the folks reading this probably have very little, if any, idea of what this law does.  In a nutshell the states that have passed this law are telling the federal government that if a product (in this case guns) is made, sold, and never leaves the state it was built in that they (the feds) have no authority to regulate said product.  The Federal government uses the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate everything from guns to chewing gum, and it is the vehicle that Congress and Obama are using to force obamacare on us.  Look at the map that I am embedding in this article.  If your state does not support a Freedom Act then get involved!  Tell the folks running for office if they support this law then they will earn your vote.  This is one of the last chances we have, if not the last chance, to restore power to the states.  Will you support freedom?

Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell those goobers that they work for you.  Let them know if they will not support the Firearm (or Commerce to include all products made in a state) Freedom Act then you will do all you can to insure they get a pink slip this November!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Forget Washington, D.C. Support States Rights canidates

Most folks know that the congressional elections are going to be held on November 2, 2010.  If the talking heads are correct the Republicans expect to take back the House and maybe even the Senate....again that is a big if.  Lets just say for arguments sake they are right and the Republicans do sweep into power in Congress will anything really change?  I submit to you I have my doubts, and you should also.  It was Republicans who passed the so called Patriot Act.  It was Republicans who left a debt of more than one trillion dollars for Obama...who then exploded that debt.  After all, everyone knows when you can't pay your bills that you spend more money that you don't have to get out of the hole, right?  It was Republicans who controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency and left NAFTA intact, who did nothing to stop abortion and good 'ol Dubya along with Juan McCain and Mr. Grahm from South Carolina who pushed for amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants without doing a damned thing to seal the border.  Washington is lost and corrupt.  I you value your freedoms, such as they are, then you must elect Constitutionally minded men and women to state office.  We need governors and sheriffs who will tell the slime balls in Washington to but out of state issues.  We need state Congresspeople and Senators who will fight to restore true power to the States by supporting 10th Amendment bills and let the progressive politicians know they had better keep their hands off our Second Amendment.  If you haven't done so please join the NRA.  Get involved with folks running locally in your state.  If you can't give money give your time  Hand out fliers and make phone calls.  Take folks to the polls and get them registered to vote.  Just don't be fooled; fake Republican "conservatives" can and have done more damage than the most ardent Democrat progressive.

Sorry for the absence

I just wanted to let everyone know who faithfully reads this blog that I'm sorry for being absent.  I've not forgotten about this site or about y'all; the non-virtual world has been somewhat...crazy.  I promise I'll be on a more stable schedule, at least for a while.  Thanks for reading!