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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pride and shame in America

This last week I found two under reported stories that touched my heart and I'd like to share them with you now. The first story is about a homeless man who noticed an American flag that had been blown down during a storm. This man, reportedly named Gustus Bozarth doesn't have what we take for granted. He doesn't have a roof over his head. He doesn't have a comfortable climate controlled room to relax in while he surfs the 'net or watches TV in a recliner. His home is on the street under the hot Texas sun. I found out about this man while looking on YouTube and I'd rather talk about Mr. Bozarth than those idiot Black Panthers. How many of us, myself included, gripe and complain and bemoan the unfairness of life while living in this great (for now admittedly) country? I talk about patriotism on this blog. Mr. Bozarth lived it. During a storm a flag was blown down. Watch what he does. This video moved me and I have to admit I was teared up by it. Would I have done what he did? I honestly don't know. I stand in awe of Mr. Bozarth and with God's help I'll reach the level of love for this country that he already has. He folds those flags with as much love and respect as he could. Would I have done what he did if I had seen those flags on the ground? I know not. And that admission fills me with shame. God bless you Mr. Bozarth. I found the story reported. It had been buried and it is a shame, this story needs to live on. Take a moment and read the story.

The second great American I want to talk to you about is Pastor Ron Baity. He is the pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Pastor Baity is a hero of the faith and deserves the support in ways of tithes and offerings because when he ended his prayer in the House of Represenatives in North Carolina he did a terrible and controversial thing: he ended his prayer in Jesus' name. North Carolina is one of those Bible belt states, you know the states with a church on every corner and as red (as in Republican) as you can get. And a pastor gets the shaft because he dared to pray in Jesus' name. Where is the outrage? Where are those proud Republican Christians? The silence tells the story. Most churches in America today are as dead as a tomb. The Moral Majority has no strength left, its political might has been all but spent. Jesus was crucified before by the Romans at the behest of Jewish religious leaders who feared Him. Now he is being crucified by apostate and cowardly Christians at the alter of political correctness and self deception. Thank God that Pastor Baity is made of sterner stuff. America we need more men like Pastor Baity and Mr. Bozarth. To the people of North Carolina in particular, if you belong to one of those social club churches who compromises the Gospel of Christ I urge you to support Pastor Baity with your tithes and let your own pastors know if they don't grow a spine you will no longer support him. If we as Americans don't support true American patriots like these two men then we have no right to complain about what we get. All evil needs to get stronger is for good people to stay silent. Now you have a choice to make. What will you do? Read about these sad events in North Carolina here. See an interview here

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