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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why do we have a 10th Amendment to our Constitution?

Like many of you, I am a product of our public school system. I learned my ABC's and 123's and how to read a book. It is that last thing that I thank God about the most. Literacy is second only to salvation as far as the gifts God has given to man, and it is high time that people start reading books and get educated and involved. I've read the Constitution and till the last couple of years I read the 10th Amendment but I never really read it if you follow me. I never got it. It never clicked. The amendment is simple, and maybe that is why most Americans, myself included never even made an effort to study it. The amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Now that I'm a bit older and have read more books I learned a few things. One, history isn't taught in our school system. Civics class is a joke. And lastly, I was dumb as a rock when it came to how government worked. I always have believed in states rights and I knew that before the War Between the States (also incorrectly called the Civil War) that the Southern States seceded from the Union in the belief that they already independent States and had the power to do so. I'm not going to get into the cause of the war in this article, but I will tell you now that if you were taught it was over slavery then you are wrong. That is a bald faced lie and you need to go to a library and get educated. The Southern States fought a war that ultimately took one million American lives because they believed that the Federal government has zero right to tell a state what to do in an internal matter. Read that again. Now, scroll up and read the 10th Amendment and lastly I'd like you to read the Constitution. After you do that come back to this article for some more truth that will either make you think either:

  • I'm a right wing evil slime ball who wants to raise an army and overthrow the government
  • A very confused Redneck (my wife is black for those who think I'm a racist. If that doesn't make your head blow up I'm not sure what will)
  • Maybe this guy Robby has stumbled unto something

Here is some truth. First, our Founding Fathers were secessionists. Gasp. I said it. What did they advocate and fight a war for? Yes, a war for the Independence of 13 colonies. That meant that they had to secede from the British Empire for that to happen. Did you learn that tidbit in school? Neither did I. There was not a plan at all for a single united nation with a strong federal government. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt by the Founders to join the States (the capital 'S' is intentional) info a political union was a flop. That is why they had a convention and now have the US Constitution that formed the Federal government. Now, if you read the Constitution like I asked you to, you'll notice somethings that just don't mesh with our current system of government.

  1. The Federal government has ZERO authority over State issues
  2. The Federal government has ZERO authority to do -anything- in regards to education
  3. The Supreme Court has ZERO authority over State constitutions or internal State affairs
  4. There isn't -anything- about a Federal Reserve Bank. *gasp* Why not? BECAUSE THE FED IS NOT A PART OF THE GOVERNMENT! They are as much a part of the US government as FedEX is.

Now, I simply do not have the education to be as articulate as I feel this article requires, so I am going to ask my readers to do some more homework now that you've read the Constitution....yeah I know, great, more homework. Well, here it goes. It is very easy. Watch these two YouTube videos first.

The speaker is Timothy Baldwin, the head of the Liberty Defense League. He is one of the most brilliant people I've ever had the chance to speak too, and I am reading his book Freedom for a Change. It is available on and I'll include the links so you can look at the book and I do hope, buy the book. This is a free commercial by the way, I have not been paid to promote this book and even if the offer was made I'd refuse it. It is just a damned good book. Buy it. Read it. Get educated.

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