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Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA defeated...for now.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to contact your representative and senator and let them know that you WILL NOT support any form of censorship.  Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said he will postpone an upcoming vote on his chamber's proposal.

Read more:

The fact is that a large number of Republicans and Democrats are guilty of supporting this law.  I contacted my elected Congressional leaders in Montana and only the office of Senator Baucus seemed to care.  The secretary for Senator Tester laughed and said she'd pass on my concern and hung up without getting any information from me regarding my Montana residency.  Representative Rehberg's secretary was even more arrogant and condescending. She thanked me for the call and hung up, again without getting any information from me.  As a result I will be active in helping whoever runs against  Rehberg and Tester.  These clowns must be reminded they serve at the pleasure of We the People, they are NOT nobility.

Above all, we must stay alert.  The politicians in Washington will attempt to force SOPA or something like it through again.  Stay alert!  Find out if your Senators or representatives voted for this despicable bill, and if they did support anyone who runs against them and THROW THE BUMS OUT!


  1. Robby, Thanks for your efforts to stop SOPA. You can bet your Birkenstocks that the Socialist Snakes will be back. I will remember the responses of Rehburg and Testor. What arrogance and smugness.

    And where were these career politicians while Obama was conspiring to steal Montana’s 2nd congressional seat? Have you been on in the last couple days? If not, check it out. It is outrageous! And don’t get me started on Rick Hill. His silence on this critical issue was deafening. All of these career politicians sat on their thumbs while Montana’s rights were being sacrificed at the altar of illegal aliens. Thank goodness Fanning and Baldwin took the initiative to represent Montana in filing the federal lawsuit against Obama in the United States Supreme Court!

    Roger Dwyer

  2. Indeed I have. My next article will be about the effort yo silence Montana. I wonder where Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh are on this.
