To those who are not aware of what SOPA is, allow me to explain. It is a bill making the way through Congress that have one reason for existing: censorship. The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act on paper is to allow corporations to sue (again in theory) any website that may host (or could host) or offer a link to any material deemed copyrighted. For example, say I have a link to a YouTube video and that video has a song in the background and the music industry decides the video violates copyrights. Then not only could the creator of the video be liable, but so could YouTube and even this blog (and me personally) for posting the link. This bill is draconian and dangerous. It effectively gives Hollywood corporations the legal power needed to force search engines like Google to not have links to oversees websites and also will prevent American companies from advertising on those sites because a company says so. This is inexcusable. It is tyrannical, and it is dangerous. There are numerous websites that are blacked out today in protest of this overreach. Wikipedia is blacked out. OathKeepers is blacked out. Google has a black box over its own logo in protest.
It gives government the ability to decide what domain name is valid, what is abusive, what is legal. How far will the government take this? The answer? As far as they will. Please contact your congressional represenative and senators TODAY! Let them know you are against these bills and will work as hard as possible to help them be defeated in the next election. This effects you, me, and our families. This must not be allowed to stand.
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