January 31, 2012
Mr. Robby West
PO Box 635
Kalispell, MT 59903-0635
Dear Robby:
Thank you for contacting me about S. 968, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011, called PROTECT IP or PIPA. The House of Representatives is considering similar legislation in H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). I appreciate hearing from you.
S. 968 has been introduced to prevent online theft of intellectual property. While the greatest threat of infringement is to the movie, music, and computer software industries, other sectors that face threats include clothing, pharmaceutical drugs, and consumer electronics. The PROTECT IP Act would give the Department of Justice authority to enforce copyright and trademark laws against foreign websites that offer unlicensed copies of protected content. Protection of intellectual property for rightful owners is something that I support; however, I have heard from many Montanans concerned about how this bill may affect Internet security and free speech.
The PROTECT IP Act was reported unanimously by the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 26, 2011 but faces hurdles before coming to the full Senate for a vote. Rest assured, I am carefully monitoring this legislation and will oppose any version of it that negatively affects Internet security or online innovation.
Thanks again for getting in touch. Please contact me with any additional comments or concerns. Also, please visit my website athttp://baucus.senate.govto view information on current issues and to find out what I'm doing both here in Washington and at home to help Montana.
Sounds like a go to hell message to me. Here is my reply:
Thank you for the reply and I understand what you are saying. Please understand however the potential for abuse that this law creates. I'll not support any law that muzzles the Internet, freedom of speach or freedom of thought. The danger of censorship is to great and I am not alone in this. Thousands of Montanans like myself are against this. You yourself have stated that you have heard from many of us. Sir, I implore you to withdraw your support. Also please accept my thanks. I contacted Senator Tester and RepresenativeRehberg and your office is the onlyone who offered a reply. Your secratery was courtious and professional.
Thank you for your time,
Robby West
I just contacted MB also.
ReplyDelete"Trust me. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
And if we don't want their 'help' we will be persecuted with censorship, punitive fines, loss of business and employment, confiscation of property, incarceration, loss of children and parental rights, loss of voting and 2nd amendment rights, and the list goes on. Like George Washington said, "Government is force".
Roger Dwyer