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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tolerance must work both ways

I am so sick of being lectured about being tolerant by people who don't practice what they preach. Now, I know I have some attention. "What," you are asking? "He's not talking about guns this time?!" That's right, I'm not. I am talking about how the enemies of our culture, of our country, and our way of life are using our own principles as a weapon to destroy us. Let me give you some examples.

That last link should make your blood boil. There are plans to build a mosque in sight of the World Trade Center and the dedication for that mosque would be on September the 11th! Naturally there is outrage (and rightly so!) to this plan, and naturally the people who are against this scheme are being labeled with the racist/bigot brush. Let me point out some things about how tolerant our Muslim friends are.

And don't you dare draw a picture of the "prophet" Mohammad. If you want to see some people practicing peaceful Islam and showing that tolerance that they want then take a look. Michael Savage (the first link) has the right idea.

Look at this video. Our government looks to Fatah to lead the Palestinians and be a peace partner. Now watch this and tell me just how in the world you expect that to happen.

This woman explains why genocide is perfectly alright with her.

You can't open a church in Islamic countries. You can't witness for Christ in Islamic countries. I am so sick and tired of America being portrayed as the world villain. I am sick and tired of having to be tolerant while the people demanding that tolerance have none for themselves. The people of the United States need to wake up. We are surrounded by people who seek to destroy our way of life. If we as a people don't awaken to the dangers of corrupt politicians and other enemies who seek our end, the only ones we will be able to blame for our doom is ourselves.

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