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Monday, June 21, 2010

Guns would NEVER be taken by the government if Republicans controled

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people blame all the problems we've built up (like a 13 trillion dollar debt) on the Obama regime. However, I'd like to point out a few tidbits that happened under President Bush.

  • The Patriot Act
  • Two undeclared wars. The Constitution requires Congress make a Declaration of War. Just having a vote that says go ahead doesn't pass the smell test.
  • An unprecedented expansion of government due to TSA and the Department of Homeland Security. Don't you feel safer?
  • Bush pressed for amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants
  • Bush started the bailout ball rolling down the slippery socialist slope we now find ourselves on.
  • And now this little bombshell. Guns were taken by state and federal police and national guard troops at the behest of Ray Nagin and the Chief of Police Warren Riley. The silence from the White House would deafen anyone. Here are some links so you can see and read for yourself what happened.,

This was pure martial law. Where was President Bush at when all this was happening? The Second Amendment was written for situations like what happened after Katrina. In short, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms doesn't have a thing to do with rabbit hunting. Now tell me, if a "gun friendly" president was in office then with a "gun friendly" Congress what would happen now if another disaster struck? Would Obama come out in defense of your rights? If you believe he would I have a bridge I'll sell you in Utah.

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