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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Could there be amnesty without Congress having a say?

There are whispers from Washington hinting that President Obama, our Glorious Leader, has hatched a scheme for illegal immigration. The word has it that Obama is planning on using an Executive Order and bypass Congress all together and make a law granting amnesty through the use of his Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano grant amnesty to illegals. Who cares that the Constitution says only Congress can make law, it was written by a bunch of old dead racist white guys anyway. When should something technical like say...a law, be an impediment to those wonderful folks who are boldly leading America to a new and shining future with over $13 trillion in debt and free health care for all! Laws should only be followed by us peasants after all....

In all seriousness if Obama was able to do this, it would be a disaster and a Constitutional crisis of epic proportions. Thankfully, even some of the drones in Washington may be taking notice. Nobody likes to lose power after all, and maybe that will be our best ally against this power play. The greed of politicians against the greed of politicians. Anyway I'm rambling again (see what only three hours of sleep does to a guy?) Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa and eight other senators got wind of this power grab and have written a letter to the president.

Here is a link to the letter sent to President Obama.

If you care about illegal immigration and the rule of law like I do then we must all take action now to stop this. Call your senator and spread the word on this story. It is grossly under reported. It kind of makes one wonder why that is, doesn't it? One has to wonder if California would still be able to cut millions of dollars in welfare payments to illegals if they were granted amnesty. What? You didn't know about that? OHere is the link take a gander for yourself.
Anyway I'm sure that La Raza and The Home Depot, not to mention the Democratic Party would be thrilled to take advantage of this executive order if it is allowed to happen.

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