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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tolerance must work both ways

I am so sick of being lectured about being tolerant by people who don't practice what they preach. Now, I know I have some attention. "What," you are asking? "He's not talking about guns this time?!" That's right, I'm not. I am talking about how the enemies of our culture, of our country, and our way of life are using our own principles as a weapon to destroy us. Let me give you some examples.

That last link should make your blood boil. There are plans to build a mosque in sight of the World Trade Center and the dedication for that mosque would be on September the 11th! Naturally there is outrage (and rightly so!) to this plan, and naturally the people who are against this scheme are being labeled with the racist/bigot brush. Let me point out some things about how tolerant our Muslim friends are.

And don't you dare draw a picture of the "prophet" Mohammad. If you want to see some people practicing peaceful Islam and showing that tolerance that they want then take a look. Michael Savage (the first link) has the right idea.

Look at this video. Our government looks to Fatah to lead the Palestinians and be a peace partner. Now watch this and tell me just how in the world you expect that to happen.

This woman explains why genocide is perfectly alright with her.

You can't open a church in Islamic countries. You can't witness for Christ in Islamic countries. I am so sick and tired of America being portrayed as the world villain. I am sick and tired of having to be tolerant while the people demanding that tolerance have none for themselves. The people of the United States need to wake up. We are surrounded by people who seek to destroy our way of life. If we as a people don't awaken to the dangers of corrupt politicians and other enemies who seek our end, the only ones we will be able to blame for our doom is ourselves.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Once again only one vote dictates freedom or tyrany

Yesterday, June 28, 2010, is a day that will go down in history. Let me tell you why. In a five to four vote the Supreme Court of the United States struck down the Chicago gun ban and ruled that:

  • The Second Amendment is an individual right and a civil right (like the right to vote for example)
  • We, as Americans, have a right to self defense
  • Ruled that the US Constitution supersedes state and local law

I'd just like to touch on these three points. First, all the rights in our Bill of Rights are individual rights. When the Constitution says people that is exactly what it means. The people. You and me. For example how could anyone say that the word people in the First Amendment be different than the word people in the Second? People are people right? Sadly, there are congressmen, senators, and even Supreme Court judges who make the argument that the people in the First Amendment are not the same people in the Second or even the Tenth Amendments. Just how they reach that conclusion boggles the mind, but they do. Just one vote certified that the people are indeed the people. That is scary. What would have happened if Justice Kennedy had ruled the other way? I shudder in dread and fear at the thought. Oh, and just one more thing. Justice Sotomayor who was nominated to the Court by President Obama stated she believed the Second Amendment was an individual right but voted for the gun ban in Chicago. So much for those individual rights huh? Here are some links about the case.

Mayor Daley says he will rewrite the ordnance and this writer believes that most likely what he will do is charge insane prices for training and a license so that the majority of lower to middle class Americans in the city simply would not be able to afford to buy a gun. That is just my opinion but I'll be a bearded gnome if he doesn't try a scheme like that.

Secondly, to affirm that we, as Americans, have the right to self defense all one needs to do is read what the Founders wrote on the subject. See some quotes here.

The most troubling aspect of this for me is that the Court ruled that what it says supersedes State and local laws. That logic is flawed. The truth is that every State is independent and is a part of a federal republic. That is why the States have constitutions themselves. The United States Constitution is binding on the federal government only. Why you might ask does this matter? Freedom won yesterday, didn't it? No, not really. What happened yesterday is that one vote prevented the death of the Second Amendment and allowed the federal government to cede itself more power. And that is bad news for everyone.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Once again the Korean War is forgotten but Michael Jackson is remembered.

The Forgotten War fought in Korea began today in 1950 but you'd be very hard pressed to find anything about this bloody war in our schools or even our bookstores today. The insult is huge and frankly we, the American people, should be ashamed that we've allowed this outrage to begin much less to continue. However, that is exactly what has happened. Our veterans of this terrible war (my dad is a combat wounded Korean War vet himself) are largely ignored by the history books and the media. In President Obama's speech given today at 8am central time in which he talked about the housing market there was not one mention of the war that began so long ago. Korean War vets take being forgotten stoically. My dad has said time and again to me, "That's just the way it is." That is not good enough for me and by God it shouldn't be good enough for you either. Lets cut the crap and talk some numbers:

  • A three year long war begins
  • That war claims 36,516 American lives
  • 92,134 American servicemen are wounded in this conflict
  • 8,176 Americans are MIA
  • 7,245 Americans are taken as POWs

The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953 and I don't give a damn that the United Nations called the war a "police action." It was a shooting war that claimed the lives of the sons and daughters of the United States. It was the first time that the sons and daughters of this country were asked to give their lives in a war without a congressional declaration of war. It was the first time that Americans were asked to give their lives for a UN mandate and the bureaucrats at the UN don't even have the decency to call it a war. A police action? Give me a break. The war began when communist North Korea launched a war of aggression against the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and our brave fighting men fought and bled and died defending a poor country that simply did not have the ability to defend itself and we here in America, for the most part, don't even remember this even happened. It infuriates me. It shames me. And by God, it should shame you too. We owe our fathers and grandfathers the honor that has been denied them for far to long.

To add insult to injury is when people in the public light say straight faced that World War II was the last war America (I guess that forgot about Granada, Panama, and the First Gulf War) won or dare to say that we lost the Korean War. How dare they. LOOK AT A MAP! IS SOUTH KOREA STILL THERE? YES IT IS! WE DID NOT LOOSE. South Korea is very much independent and went from being one of the poorest nations on Earth to one of the richest. Everyone in the public sphere who has ever uttered that slander owes a much higher debt than those of us who have forgotten this war even happened. That statement is an out and out lie, a slander, and it is repugnant. Thankfully the people of South Korea haven't forgotten the sacrifice that our dads and granddads made. In Vietnam, South Koreans bled and died alongside American soldiers. Even today in Afghanistan and Iraq the warriors of South Korea are there helping shoulder the burden and this writer for one thanks them.

The final insult on this hallowed day is the fact that while people have forgotten and/or ignored the fact that a war that claimed so many American lives (and took 138,000 South Korean lives) we remember that Michael Jackson, that great American artist died a year ago today. Last time I checked the major networks are planning a three day tribute, not America's finest who were asked to give everything for a foreign country, but to...Michael Jackson. How the mighty have fallen. How the hell are we going to take our country back? People talk big about liberty and freedom and fighting the new world order and all this other big talk but let me tell you something. Until we take back our homes and teach our posterity just what a true hero is (and Michael Jackson IS NOT a hero) we are just kidding ourselves. The next time you see a Korean War vet, and there aren't many left, walk up to him, look him in the eye. Shake his hand and say, "Thank you sir. Others may have forgotten what you and yours did, but for me and my house, we remember."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Could there be amnesty without Congress having a say?

There are whispers from Washington hinting that President Obama, our Glorious Leader, has hatched a scheme for illegal immigration. The word has it that Obama is planning on using an Executive Order and bypass Congress all together and make a law granting amnesty through the use of his Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano grant amnesty to illegals. Who cares that the Constitution says only Congress can make law, it was written by a bunch of old dead racist white guys anyway. When should something technical like say...a law, be an impediment to those wonderful folks who are boldly leading America to a new and shining future with over $13 trillion in debt and free health care for all! Laws should only be followed by us peasants after all....

In all seriousness if Obama was able to do this, it would be a disaster and a Constitutional crisis of epic proportions. Thankfully, even some of the drones in Washington may be taking notice. Nobody likes to lose power after all, and maybe that will be our best ally against this power play. The greed of politicians against the greed of politicians. Anyway I'm rambling again (see what only three hours of sleep does to a guy?) Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa and eight other senators got wind of this power grab and have written a letter to the president.

Here is a link to the letter sent to President Obama.

If you care about illegal immigration and the rule of law like I do then we must all take action now to stop this. Call your senator and spread the word on this story. It is grossly under reported. It kind of makes one wonder why that is, doesn't it? One has to wonder if California would still be able to cut millions of dollars in welfare payments to illegals if they were granted amnesty. What? You didn't know about that? OHere is the link take a gander for yourself.
Anyway I'm sure that La Raza and The Home Depot, not to mention the Democratic Party would be thrilled to take advantage of this executive order if it is allowed to happen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why do we have a 10th Amendment to our Constitution?

Like many of you, I am a product of our public school system. I learned my ABC's and 123's and how to read a book. It is that last thing that I thank God about the most. Literacy is second only to salvation as far as the gifts God has given to man, and it is high time that people start reading books and get educated and involved. I've read the Constitution and till the last couple of years I read the 10th Amendment but I never really read it if you follow me. I never got it. It never clicked. The amendment is simple, and maybe that is why most Americans, myself included never even made an effort to study it. The amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Now that I'm a bit older and have read more books I learned a few things. One, history isn't taught in our school system. Civics class is a joke. And lastly, I was dumb as a rock when it came to how government worked. I always have believed in states rights and I knew that before the War Between the States (also incorrectly called the Civil War) that the Southern States seceded from the Union in the belief that they already independent States and had the power to do so. I'm not going to get into the cause of the war in this article, but I will tell you now that if you were taught it was over slavery then you are wrong. That is a bald faced lie and you need to go to a library and get educated. The Southern States fought a war that ultimately took one million American lives because they believed that the Federal government has zero right to tell a state what to do in an internal matter. Read that again. Now, scroll up and read the 10th Amendment and lastly I'd like you to read the Constitution. After you do that come back to this article for some more truth that will either make you think either:

  • I'm a right wing evil slime ball who wants to raise an army and overthrow the government
  • A very confused Redneck (my wife is black for those who think I'm a racist. If that doesn't make your head blow up I'm not sure what will)
  • Maybe this guy Robby has stumbled unto something

Here is some truth. First, our Founding Fathers were secessionists. Gasp. I said it. What did they advocate and fight a war for? Yes, a war for the Independence of 13 colonies. That meant that they had to secede from the British Empire for that to happen. Did you learn that tidbit in school? Neither did I. There was not a plan at all for a single united nation with a strong federal government. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt by the Founders to join the States (the capital 'S' is intentional) info a political union was a flop. That is why they had a convention and now have the US Constitution that formed the Federal government. Now, if you read the Constitution like I asked you to, you'll notice somethings that just don't mesh with our current system of government.

  1. The Federal government has ZERO authority over State issues
  2. The Federal government has ZERO authority to do -anything- in regards to education
  3. The Supreme Court has ZERO authority over State constitutions or internal State affairs
  4. There isn't -anything- about a Federal Reserve Bank. *gasp* Why not? BECAUSE THE FED IS NOT A PART OF THE GOVERNMENT! They are as much a part of the US government as FedEX is.

Now, I simply do not have the education to be as articulate as I feel this article requires, so I am going to ask my readers to do some more homework now that you've read the Constitution....yeah I know, great, more homework. Well, here it goes. It is very easy. Watch these two YouTube videos first.

The speaker is Timothy Baldwin, the head of the Liberty Defense League. He is one of the most brilliant people I've ever had the chance to speak too, and I am reading his book Freedom for a Change. It is available on and I'll include the links so you can look at the book and I do hope, buy the book. This is a free commercial by the way, I have not been paid to promote this book and even if the offer was made I'd refuse it. It is just a damned good book. Buy it. Read it. Get educated.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Home Depot is not a friend of the United States or Christians

The world's largest home improvement company, Home Depot, has some explaining to do. In the name of diversity, the big shots at Home Depot have partnered with a racist group called La Raza. For some background on La Raza look at these following links:

It is this writers opinion that it would be more forgivable for The Home Depot to support the New Black Panther Party than these thugs. How is support for this group any different than supporting the KKK? If there is a difference then please explain it to me. The Home Depot is in bed with an organization that actively supports socialism at best and communism at the worse. They give dollars that you may spend for that new grill, or light bulb, or pipe, to a group that wants to dismantle our country. Here are the links on Home Depot's own website bragging about supporting these thugs, these vermin.

As repugnant as what I have just told you, it doesn't end there. It has come to light that The Home Depot contributed at least $5,000 to the Nashville Gay Pride Parade and set up craft booths for children at these parades. Sadly, Nashville isn't the only city that The Home Depot has done this in. Atlanta, Portland, and Kansas City, among others, have had The Home Depot financially support these displays of perversion all in the name of diversity. Take a look at the corporate website again and once again you see a public embrace of this sinful lifestyle by The Home Depot.

Now before anyone goes off half cocked and starts the whole bigot attack let me be clear about something. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO IN YOUR OWN HOME! However, when this type of perversion is going on in public and children are exposed to this perverse lifestyle it is sickening and in this writers opinion it is tantamount to child abuse.

I'll close with this thought. If you are a patriot who loves your country, if you are a Bible believing Christian, send The Home Depot a message they can not afford to ignore in this economy. Contact your local store and email the corporate offices. Tell them if they insist on supporting La Raza or these Gay Pride Days then they will not have your dollars. Money talks louder than emails and phone calls after all.

The Home Depot can be contacted at 1-800-466-3337.

Guns would NEVER be taken by the government if Republicans controled

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people blame all the problems we've built up (like a 13 trillion dollar debt) on the Obama regime. However, I'd like to point out a few tidbits that happened under President Bush.

  • The Patriot Act
  • Two undeclared wars. The Constitution requires Congress make a Declaration of War. Just having a vote that says go ahead doesn't pass the smell test.
  • An unprecedented expansion of government due to TSA and the Department of Homeland Security. Don't you feel safer?
  • Bush pressed for amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants
  • Bush started the bailout ball rolling down the slippery socialist slope we now find ourselves on.
  • And now this little bombshell. Guns were taken by state and federal police and national guard troops at the behest of Ray Nagin and the Chief of Police Warren Riley. The silence from the White House would deafen anyone. Here are some links so you can see and read for yourself what happened.,

This was pure martial law. Where was President Bush at when all this was happening? The Second Amendment was written for situations like what happened after Katrina. In short, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms doesn't have a thing to do with rabbit hunting. Now tell me, if a "gun friendly" president was in office then with a "gun friendly" Congress what would happen now if another disaster struck? Would Obama come out in defense of your rights? If you believe he would I have a bridge I'll sell you in Utah.