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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where is the conservative media?

Have you ever heard of Cedra Crenshaw? If not, don't be surprised most people haven't. Why is that? Here is a link to her website I encourage the people who read this blog to pass the word about this young woman and to send her emails of support. If you live in her district in Illinois I recommend you vote for her. Now, you are probably wondering just why I'm involving myself in this race at all. The answer is because the Chicago machine is doing its best to not even allow Mrs. Crenshaw to be on the ballot. I find it ironic that the left is always preaching to us about diversity. According to them it is folks like me who are on the right who are intolerant bigots with the closed minds. What hypocrites they are! I guess that if you are a black woman who is a conservative there is no room for you. Where is the NAACP? The Southern Poverty Law Center? Isn't the fact that the powers that be in Chicago are doing everything they can to keep a black woman off the ballot a racist act? Well, is it? If Illinois was dominated by Republicans that would be the charge levied. Why do the folks in the left fear her so much? Could it be because she is a black woman who supports the Second Amendment? Balanced budgets? Budget cuts? Folks this is the kind of candidate we need to support! Now here is the rub. The Will County Electoral Board voted along party lines to remove Mrs. Crenshaw from the ballot in November. What an outrage! If you know folks who live in Illinois email the information about this woman to them. If you live in this district then contact the board and raise holy hell. That is the only language these slime balls understand. Pass the word about this wonderful woman and maybe together we can defeat the Chicago Machine.

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