In this brave new age of tolerance and diversity someone would never be condemned because of an opinion. Never. Trust me. As a society we are taught the values of acceptance of views and cultures different then what we grew up with.Now, if you believe that crap I have a bridge I want to sell you in San Fransisco, home of the greatest media personality alive today, Doctor Michael Savage. Doctor Savage is a dose of fresh air in this otherwise polluted and watered down age of so-called "
conservative" media and commentary. In a
brave and
enlightened age such as our own where every opinion is to be heard out and respected that does not apply to the traditional standard. What do I mean? Allow me to explain it to you. Doctor Savage believes in a few simple things like I do, such as:
- Marriage between one man and one woman
- Borders, Language, Culture are the building blocks of any nation
- Holds that the Second Amendment is an individual right
- Supports the English Only Movement
- Holds both political parties are corrupt (hello Scott Brown)
- States the fact that Islam is the enemy of the United States
- Stands up to CAIR and other Islamic groups that mean harm to traditional American values
I have a link to Doctor Savage's website on my links section and I hope you check his page out. You will find news there that is hard to find and very relevant to the days we now live in. The views that Doctor Savage have are so
controversial that he is banned from entering Great Britain. Read that again. This man has committed no crime whatsoever. He hasn't robbed anyone, killed anyone, or slandered anyone. For standing for traditional values and having the balls to tell the truth he is banned for his
opinion! So much for tolerance. I ask the readers of this site to do a few easy things.
- Go to his website and read about him yourself. The link is listed on my link section.
- Listen to the man on the radio and YouTube
- Buy his book Banned in Britain
This man deserves our support and that being said this writer is glad to give it. Listen to him, and if you agree our country can't survive without Borders, Language, Culture , believe that marriage is between a man and a woman then I beg you to offer him your support as well. God bless Michael Savage!
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